Final Boss – Available Now!

My new sax quartet Final Boss is available now!!!

(The perfect stocking stuffer for your favorite saxophonist 😜)

This was just a blast of a piece to write, using my favorite video game soundtracks as the primary inspiration behind the DNA of this fierce and unpredictable tune. It felt like quite the challenge to write for saxophones without relying on my usual millions of notes per minute in increasingly absurd time signatures, but this just made me focus more on refining the comparatively simpler material and prioritizing quality over quantity of ideas. And if nothing else, writing a piece about video games means that the 100+ hours I put into Tears of the Kingdom this year was actually just research, right?

I can’t thank the Assembly Quartet and the wonderful musicians who supported this consortium enough. I’ve received some killer recordings from groups performing the piece over the past year that I’ll be sharing over the course of the week, so be sure to stay tuned!

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